
Every Day In May - Day Three

The streak continues.....

Today is a pretty full day. I can't say I'm thrilled about it, because I really like having quiet, leisurely weekends. My day started at 6 am when Ollie decided I had enough sleep. As cute as that little mother fucker is, he really makes me want to sell him to the Chinese restaurant next door sometimes. He does this cute little thing where he gently taps me in the face to wake me up. Like I said, this started at 6am and continued until about 8am when I finally gave up. Went down and fed both the cats, neither of whom felt like eating much of anything.

Played online for a little bit before showering and leaving for the comic book shop. Today is the annual Free Comic Book Day and I wanted to pick up a few of the books they were offering this year. I ended up with more than I planned on, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. I'll try them out and if I like something, I will start picking up the series on a regular basis. I also bought two action figures (in the clearance box for $5 each) and two comics as an assignment for the next Dial "H" For Homo podcast. Mary Marvel was at my shop and her costume looked fantastic. Mystique is also supposed to be there today, but she wasn't yet. And Ron Marz is supposed to do a signing, but I was too early for it. I've known Ron for a lot of years, though it's been over a decade since I've seen him.

I'm home now, just finishing up the laundry. I have about three hours before I have to get changed for the wedding we're going to tonight. Ken's co-worker's daughter is getting married this evening. I know his co-worker, but not the daughter, so I'm a little apprehensive about going. I hate social situations. I hate social situations where I don't know anyone even more. I'll survive. Plus, this is 2008, the year I better myself. I need to put myself in these situations a little bit more. My other fear about the wedding is the food. Tomorrow is weigh in day and I'm feeling like I want to eat my weight in bacon wrapped scallops and whatever little bits of deliciousness that will be served. That would be bad, bad, bad. I've been doing really well this week so far and I don't want to fuck it up. I'm hoping to see 194 on the scale tomorrow. If I don't, you know why.

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