
So Tired...

The last 24 hours or so have been very full. For me, at least. Last night after work, we went out to dinner at our usual Friday night place. We were home kind of early, so I went out for a walk, which felt so good. Got home, jumped online and got ready to record a group show version of the podcast. We had Melanie, Mary and Ricky on the show with us and I had a lot of fun with them. I'm sure I didn't speak as much as I thought I did (again), but I don't care. It was so much fun. I'll find out for sure when Nessa uploads the show and I can listen. After that was over, we ventured over to Archerr's UStream video show. He and the boyfriend were doing a show while we were doing ours, so I wasn't sure if he'd still be online. He was and he was DRUNK! And it was hysterical. I stayed there watching and participating until 1:30 in the morning. That's hours past my bedtime. HOURS!! Apparently a bunch of shit went down shortly after I signed off and went to bed and I feel shitty for not having been there to jump to the aid of my friend.

This morning Ollie woke me up by poking me in the face with his paw. This is a regular Saturday morning event. He doesn't like for me to sleep late, so he jumps up on the bed and starts poking me gently until I wake up. He's a little shit. By 10am, Ken and I were outside doing yard work. It's the first chance we've had and it's mostly done. I hurt, but I'll live. I was told we would spend and hour or so doing this, but it turned out to be three. After that, we ran errands and had lunch. Cheesecake Factory, one of my favorites. And we had the shittiest service we've ever had. Terrible. It wasn't too terribly busy and it took almost 20 minutes for our waiter to first come over. And he was incredibly negligent in attending to us AND the table next to us. When we were done, Ken went to the bathroom and I tracked down a manager. This isn't really like me, but I was annoyed. I dropped a dime on Frank, the terrible waiter, and the manager gave me a gift card as an apology. That was cool.

We got home around 4:30 and I decided that if I didn't go out for a walk, I was going to regret it. I went out for about an hour and I'm even more tired now than ever. Best part of the walk, though, was when I was in the middle of the student ghetto. A bunch of hot frat boys were playing (mostly) shirtless volleyball on their front yard. That was nice.

It's 6:30 now and it's still 80 degrees out. I wish every day could be like today. I think it's going to rain tomorrow, which sucks, but I don't care. I'm going to need a day to lay around and recover. Well, after I go out shopping. I need new shorts. All the new ones I bought at the end of last year are too big on me now. Sure, I'm wearing them, but I need something in my size.


Melanie said...

Buying smaller clothes is ALWAYS a wonderful thing! And seeing some eye candy on your walk is a marvelous plus.

I had an absolute ball on the group show, and things were fun on Archerr until people on another show decided to be asshats. I'm afraid I got a little belligerent in response and the guys had to rein me in, which was only proper. Still, people who get off on hurting other people just chap my nads.

Ryan said...

I agree with Melanie...there is no need for such hateful comments...I too had signed off before they started though...

And Walt you go boy...I wish I had to buy new clothes because the current clothes were too big. I am having the other problem...

Fairy Princess Holly said...

Yay you for having to buy new shorts for your skinny ass!

I should have been smart like you, and gone to bed too. :) Oh well, the group show was fun until then.