
So Much For That

I'm taking tomorrow off of work. I have friends coming up from the city for the weekend and I need to clean the house. And run errands. And stuff. Ken had class tonight, so I had the house to myself. Survivor wasn't on, so I didn't have tv to distract me. I thought tonight would be the perfect night to get the bulk of the cleaning done. Well, I sort of started, but that's about it. Emptied the dishwasher. Did a little laundry. Took the trash out. Dicked the rest of the night away on the computer. I'm really annoyed with myself now. So first thing tomorrow, I need to throw some more laundry in, start picking up, go get my oil changed at 9:30, pick up food for Lucy at the vet, run to the supermarket, get home and really start cleaning. Friday is going to be no fun at all. And it doesn't even give me any time to go check out the Extreme Makeover Home Edition crew. They're in Albany this week. Not that I watch the show anymore, but it would be kind of neat to go see what's happening.

I'm beat. I need to go to bed.

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