
November Challenge - Day Twenty-Five

I slept for shit again last night. I was wide awake and out of bed at 5 am. So I'm going to try and make the best of today. I played online for a little bit this morning, listened to my podcasts, went and walked with the blue hairs for an hour and have now been home for almost an hour. I would imagine a nap is in my future, but we'll see. I'm planning on *gasp* not wasting the whole day playing on the computer. In fact, I'm hoping to be done with it shortly. I've got so much around the house that needs attention. So I'm making a decision now to turn off the phones, step away from the internet, get cozy with my iPod, refuse to answer the door and shut the distractions out. Today is a me day. It's the only day this week that I'm going to have a chance to do that. Yesterday Ken was home. Tomorrow I have a dentist appointment and errands. Thursday is Thanksgiving. Friday is still up in the air. We'll see.


Melanie said...

So how was your day?

Breenlantern said...

easier said than done my friend...if you're ever looking for a fun distraction...you know where to find me...on line or via e-mail somewhere whining about my life ;-)