

I'm in an odd mood right now. I'm not quite sure what it is. I'm a little down, a little bored, a little tired. But I'm not really feeling a lot of any of those things. Not quite sure what's going on in my head.

We recorded episode 13 of our podcast today. I think it went well, but I'm hyper critical of myself. I don't think I make a very good co-host, at least compared to my other co-hosts. I'm not a good conversation starter, and I don't really maintain the chat either. I stutter quite a bit (though Nessa tries to edit out as much of that as she can.. She continually amazes me with her editing prowess.) When listening back to the show, I'm not as horrified as I expect to be, but I think of 1,001 things I should have said. Now I'm not saying this because I'm looking for reassurance or anything, I'm saying this because this is how I'm feeling right now. I want to get it out of me. That's all. Keep in mind that I love doing the show and I'm going to continue to do the show. I'm just socially awkward. I've joked about it on the show, but it's true. I own that. Doing the show is a great tool to help me overcome some of it. I hope the show helps me with my self-confidence. I know I have many issues there and I'm working on them.

2008 is the year I work on myself. I've spent all this time losing weight and I want to start turning the focus on the rest of me. The podcast is helping with some inner issues. I'm going to the podiatrist to take care of my foot issues. I'm working on getting my cholesterol back in check. It's all about me!


Nessa said...

Walt, I think all three of us do the same thing. I am constantly thinking of things I could have said and worried if I come off like a douche. I think you and Holly are so funny.

I hope you didn't take my comment about you stuttering to heart, I didn't mean it as it may have come across. At least you don't hiss in the microphone when you laugh :P

I know you didn't ask for reassurance, but I'm giving it anyways. You are so funny and say some one liners that crack my shit up! I love doing this with you because I think we all make each other sound good!

I love you man! XO

ps, I want fashion show pics!

Fairy Princess Holly said...

I think you're hilarious, and you contribute tons of funny lines to the show!!

I think it's normal to think you aren't as funny as you are, or second guess what you should have done/or said. I do it all the time. It's human nature.

I'm one of your biggest fans! You make me laugh on a daily basis, and keep me from punching people in the throat at work. :)


erik98122 said...

I just wanted to let you know how much I love you on the show! Seriously! There's nothing wrong with being a bit socially awkward...I find it to be quite charming. I think you really contribute to the dynamics of the show and it wouldn't be the same without you. There are probably more Walt fans out there then you realize.

We love you JUST THE WAY YOU ARE!!


Melanie said...

Sweetheart, you come across as funny, charming, ever so slightly innocent and quite wonderful. You work well with those dizzy dames, and the three of you heterodyne beautifully (and I'm not talking about building killer castles or attacking other Sparks).

Just relax and enjoy yourself -- everyone else does!