
Friday Night Post

It's a quarter to twelve, which is usually later than I'm up. I just got home about forty-five minutes ago. My old roommate Paul was in town and we hung out most of the day today. He's a mortician in California now, but he managed to finagle a whole month off and he's come home for the duration. I left work at noon today and told him to be here by one. He got here, we went out to lunch (Cheesecake Factory... yum!) and then drove around checking out the sights. It's Albany, so there really aren't any, but we did it anyway. Then we headed over to his ex-in-laws house. We met up with his ex-wife, who I haven't seen in probably 8 years. She moved back to the area about a year ago, but I never knew. Her folks came home not that much later. Her mom cooked dinner for us, which I thought was great. It was a lot of fun hanging out tonight. I got out of the house, which I never do, and that was nice for a change. Not something I want to do too often, but it was a nice change of pace.

I'm not going in to do overtime tomorrow. Fuck it. Got home too late.

Picked up Lucy's prescription while I was out with Paul. Got a two month supply of her medicine for $82. Ouch. The expenses keep coming this week.

I was thrilled when I checked my blog today. One the entry where I did mini-album reviews, I got a comment from someone named "Alexander." I believe it was Alexander Schultz, whose album I reviewed. I like the album a lot and I'm thrilled that he took the time to tell me he was glad I liked it. Look him up. He's great.

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