

So far this is turning out to be a fantastic weekend. Busy, but fantastic. I feel like I've accomplished a bunch of stuff. Yesterday started off with me going out and picking up the new Joan Osborne cd. I love her and the new album is great. Some covers, some new material. She's great and it's a shame more people don't like her. Their loss, right?

Thursday night I got inspired to start ripping up the carpet in the basement. We've got a pretty damp basement and the carpet that's covering the one room is pretty gross. I was sure there was probably mold growing under it. We've been in the house a few years now and that was one of the things on the To Do list. I got about half of it up on Thursday night. Yesterday I spent a few hours in the basement moving the contents to the adjacent room so I could get (most of) the rest of the carpet up. And then the sweeping began. I filled the shop vac 1 and a half times with the dirt and dust that's accumulated over the years. Today Ken helped me move the rest of the stuff to the second room, we got the carpet that was under the shelving units up and more sweeping and vacuuming. Ken bought floor paint for the basement and we had intended to start that job today, but the floor was still damp where the last bits of carpet sat, so we're letting it finish drying out tonight and on Monday we'll paint.

We can't paint tomorrow because we have plans to go to Lynn & Lori's house. They need Ken's gardening expertise. They want to plant a garden but aren't quite sure what they need (or want). We're going down tomorrow morning to help. It should be fun. It's always fun when the Girls are involved.

Tomorrow is my official weigh in day for the week and I'm anxious for it. I've seen some renewed weight loss progress this week (FINALLY!) and need to know if I've cracked the 250 barrier. Yesterday morning I stepped on the scale and was 249, but since yesterday isn't my official weigh in day, it didn't count. Keep your fingers crossed. I've tried to refocus on my eating habits and I've been really good about getting out there and being active. And speaking of being active, I was curious as to how far my usual walk was. On the way home from dinner tonight, we clocked it with the odometer. My pattern is 3.6 miles, which is a little longer than I thought. I figured it was about 3. I have an alternate route which I didn't clock, but I'll bet that's closer to 3. I'll have to clock that one, too.

I was very excited this morning to see two new people have commented on my blog. Just Another Southern Gay Guy and Davy from Pop Trash Radio left comments. I found Just Another Southern Gay Guy's blog a few days ago when I was poking around blogspot. Saw an
entry about not being able to watch Series 3 of Doctor Who and I felt the need to comment. And I posted recently on the Pop Trash Radio blog which is how Davy must have found me. If you're into podcasts and into the trashy side of pop culture, I highly recommend that podcast. It's hosted by Davy and Kendra and they're funnier than shit.

I changed my profile picture today. I'm sick of looking at the old, fat me and I haven't motivated to get a current picture of myself. Instead, I went to meez.com and created a Meez of myself. That's the closest I could make it look like me. Go to Ken's photoblog and there will be current pics of me so you can compare. Do it now, dammit.

I love this cover of Superman with Batgirl on it. Love it.


Tony Z™ said...

Yea, on Friday's 249! Fingers are crossed that it sticks!!

And I love that Superman cover, too!! It's all kinds of awesome!!

Walt said...

I love the layout of the cover. The actual execution isn't as good as it could be. I discovered that when I rebought the issue recently as an adult. But I still love it.

Tony Z™ said...

Nick Cardy can do no wrong!! Take it back!!


Walt said...

Okay, you win. My friend Todd is really good friends with Nick. I'm jealous.