

Another Monday, another day off for a doctor's appointment. Today I went in for the results of the bloodwork I had done last week. I know it sounds like a simple enough event, but can things ever be easy for me? Sometimes it seems like the answer is no. My appointment was at 8 am, but my doctor moved his office further away from the house recently and I didn't know how long it was going to take to get there with morning rush hour traffic, so I left a little early. I got there and checked in only to discover that I don't have an appoinment. I explained that I made the appointment about 6 months earlier and it was with so-and-so. Apparently because my appointment was with this PA, my appointment was still at the old office. (My primary doctor left that practice for a different one.) So I had the receptionist where I was standing call over to the other office and say I was en route. I made good time getting there, only fifteen minutes late. And then they made me sit for forty-five minutes to get in. That's the one thing about this PA that I absolutely hate. He has no concept of punctuality. Even when I'm on time, I tend to sit and wait and wait and wait. When I finally was able to see him, we went over my numbers. I'm looking really good. My cholesterol was down another dozen or so points. It's the best it's ever been in my entire life. Huzzah! Before I left the office, I mentioned that my foot has been in pain and he wrote me a referral to a podiatrist. I didn't think anything more about it until Ken got home from work tonight and told me that the referral isn't going to be any good since it didn't come from my primary doctor's office. Now I'm pissed off. He did call the insurance company to confirm, but the person he spoke to had no clue (naturally.) Now I have to call my doctor's office and see if he will write me a referral for this doctor. I'm kind of annoyed because it's been nothing but problems since he switched practices. Let's see if this goes smoothly.

Yesterday I had planned a day of doing nothing but laying around, watching tv and reading. I didn't get any of that. Instead, Ken and I went out looking at houses again. I really wasn't in the mood, but went along anyway. I've mentioned before that we have very different ideas about what kind of house we will eventually end up in, but for the first time, we saw one that was closer to something we could both agree on. It was a ranch (which I don't want, but he does) with an amazing living room. I could see myself there. The rest of the house, however, was lacking. There wasn't enough room that we are both looking for. We want something that has two bedrooms and two rooms that could double as studies or offices. This had three bedrooms. We're not buying today, but it's good to know that there are houses out there that we might be able to compromise on.

And finally, the pictures of me from Saturday arrived via the email today.

1 comment:

wcs said...

Congrats on the blood numbers! Determination pays off!