
2018.004 Champions Vol 2: The Freelancer Lifestyle

I enjoy this book very much.  Very very much.  It's kind of like Marvel's Teen Titans, a book that's always been very close to my heart.  Mark Waid seems to get these characters, even though he's (probably) older than I am.  LOL.  What I don't like about this book is what my biggest gripe about Marvel books has been for a good long time.  Any and all momentum a creative team has gets crushed by whatever the giant Marvel event is at the time.  This book is going along nicely and then Secret Empire hits.  Rather that completely stop what's happening, Mark Waid manages to incorporate being part of a crossover with the regular book, so the interruption isn't too jarring.  But it still is.  And I don't know some of these new Marvel characters the crossover is featuring.  And I kind of don't care.  

Hopefully there isn't a giant event during the run of the next six issues or so.

Champions Vol 2: The Freelancer Lifestyle
Written by: Mark Waid
Illustrated by: Humberto Ramos, Victor Olazaba
Marvel Comics

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