Give me the Shadow written or drawn by anyone. I'll eat that up. Give me Matt Wagner, writing or drawing anything. I'll eat that up. Give me The Shadow: The Death of Margo Lane and I'll eat it up and realize I was slightly let down by it. I was trying to figure out what about it bothered me. What let me down. I think it's calling the book The Death Of Margo Lane. Sure, she dies in the book in the second chapter (or does she?), but it felt like that was just a thing that happened rather than what the story itself was about. It also felt lopsided. Like the best parts of a larger story were cut out and presented to us as the whole story. I can't believe I'm about to say this, but I would have liked to have seen this story fleshed out over a larger run than the five parts it was presented in. I think the lopsidedness of it would have disappeared.
The Shadow: The Death of Margo Lane
Written by: Matt Wagner
Illustrated by: Matt Wagner
Dynamite Comics