

Every year I vow I'm going to keep better track of what I did and what I liked and all that shit so that I can look back at the end of the year and make a nice "Best Of The Year" list.  This year I vow to do that so that I don't have to post some utter nonsense like this.

My best of 2013 is a purely off the top of my head list of some of the shit I liked this year.

Best Concert: Frank Turner at Northern Lights (or whatever they're calling it these days.)  That show may have been the best show I've ever been to.  I was old enough to be half the audience's dad, but that didn't dissuade me from having a fucking blast.  He's great on record, but 1000 times more magnetic and charming in person.

Best Album: John Grant PALE GREEN GHOSTS  There were a lot of great albums this year and Josh Ritter's was a very close second, but John Grant writes the type of songs that I wish I could write if I wrote songs.  They seem very conversational and extremely personal and something that you can connect to.

Best Party:  Hands down it was the wedding reception party in Austin, TX in December.  It was a whirlwind weekend, I didn't have time to spend as much time seeing everyone I wanted to, I was shitfaced and I made out with as many people as I could.  And I made a lot of great new friends.

Best Thing I Read:  Not new in 2013, but it was new to me.  Sweet Tooth by Jeff Lemire sucked me in and wouldn't let me go until I finished the run.  Fabulous storytelling.

Best TV:  My favorite series was Survivor: Blood vs. Water.  I've been a fan since the first episode and this season was exceptional.  It was an experiment that could have blown up in their faces or could have been a total win.  Luckily it was a win.  Runner up was the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Special.  

Favorite Comic:  I think it had to be Batman, believe it or not.  Scott Snyder is doing such great things with the book and I'm addicted to it like I've never been addicted to a Batman comic before.

See, that list was kind of lame.  I'll try better for 2014.

And to keep the geek chic stuff going:

January 12

Long sleeve Batman shirt.  Gift from my friend George.  Kind of goes along with what I just wrote about regarding Batman being my favorite comic last year.

January 13

It's Morrissey as Superman.  There was an article that went around Facebook last year about an artist who transformed Punk & New Wave artists into super-heroes.  I loved it.  And then one of the t-shirt of the day sites made this available.  I had to have it.  I have one other, but that will come in time.  I don't know if any of the others were offered and I missed them or if they're yet to come, but I'll be watching.
January 14
This photo didn't come out all that well.  Whatever.  It's yet another shirt of the day shirts.  And it's another Doctor Who shirt.  I liked the design a lot, so I bought it.  It gets harder and harder to find fun Doctor Who shirts because they all seem to be very similar.  This one wasn't.

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